MARCOS 12: 29-31 Mar 12:29 Jesús le respondió: El primer mandamiento de todos es: Oye, Israel; el Señor nuestro Dios, el Señor uno es. Mar 12:30 Y amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, y con toda tu alma, y con toda tu mente y con todas tus fuerzas. Este es el principal mandamiento. Mar 12:31 Y el segundo es semejante: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. No hay otro mandamiento mayor que éstos.
Is Creationism Scientific?
Creation Science Evangelism, August 14, 2008

The accusation has often been made that creationism is not scientific. And evolutionism, of course, is. After all, today it’s common to believe that most scientists are evolutionists. So, is evolutionary thinking responsible for all the great scientific advances, or can creationists take the credit?

Ironically, every major branch of science: astronomy, chemistry, microbiology, etc., was established upon the work of creationists. In fact, today’s evolutionists are merely standing on an entire mountain of work built by creationists. While the evolutionist assumes his theory is true in spite of “trivial” elements of science (such as the first two laws of thermodynamics, Boyle’s gas laws, and biogenesis), the creationist understands that science was established by God, and thus seeks to follow the clues in God’s creation that help him better understand the natural world. To a creationist, science and the Bible were both authored by God: he therefore has no problem accepting the scientific method of observation to further validate that which he takes on faith.

The early scientists—whose ranks include the likes of Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, and Robert Boyle—believed in an intelligent Designer/Creator who laid down not only laws of conduct for humanity, but also for nature. With this common understanding in mind, they then set about to identify and explore these laws of nature. This search resulted in the revolution of scientific information we now enjoy and the establishment of the major branches of scientific understanding. So the idea that creationists are not scientific is absurd. It mocks the great heritage of creationists that modern science harks back to—and upon whose work modern science now rests. Evolutionists allow evolutionism to govern their exploration of the natural world to the detriment of science, while creationists continue to merely demonstrate how the God of the Bible is also the true Architect of what we call science.
Is the Grand Canyon Proof of Noah's Flood?
Creation Science Evangelism, May 29, 2008

Two people can often look at the same thing and come to opposite conclusions. The Grand Canyon is a perfect example. Evolutionists use it as proof that the earth is billions of years old, claiming that the Colorado River carved the canyon over millions of years. Bible-believing Christians interpret the canyon as a spillway from Noah's Flood. One believes it formed slowly, with a little water and a lot of time. The other believes it formed quickly, with a lot of water and a little time. What a stark difference.

If the Bible is true, and the earth is only about six thousand years old, we should find evidence that debunks the evolutionist theory about the Grand Canyon. We do. For example, the top of Grand Canyon is over four thousand feet higher than where the Colorado River enters the canyon, meaning it would have had to flow uphill for millions of years. Additionally, in contrast to all other rivers, we do not find a delta (a place where washed-out mud is deposited). This alone makes the evolutionist interpretation impossible.

The evidence does, however, point to Noah's Flood. Today, we see two beach lines from what used to be two large lakes near the Grand Canyon. Creationists believe that after Noah's Flood, the lakes got too full and spilled over the top. When water overflows a dam, the weakest point is instantly eroded. Thus, the Grand Caynon would have been formed quickly, supporting the creationist interpretation.

So, which interpretation is right? Knowing that rivers don't flow uphill and no leftover sedimentary deposits are found, evolutionists have a lot of explaining to do when it comes to the Grand Canyon. The Bible, however, says that a flood covered the whole earth (see Genesis 7:18-20). This means we should find places where the water drained. The Grand Canyon is one of those places. It is a washed-out spillway and provides great evidence for Noah's Flood.

A Signature of the Creator
Creation Science Evangelism, June 26, 2008

What if we could see the signature of a Creator imbedded upon His creation? For years, the debate has raged: is there a God? How can we be sure? Christians are often confronted with the challenge of proving the existence of God. And yet He can be seen throughout the marvels of His creation. Romans 1:20 tells us that "the invisible things of him [God] from the creation of the world are clearly the things that are made." So can we really see an invisible God simply by looking around us?

The cuttlefish is a cephalopod which operates with such sophisticated technology that scientists today are struggling to understand just how this creature came to be. This creature is a perfect example of God's magnificent design, demonstrating stealth tactics, among other features, which include not only changing colors, but also texture, to blend in perfectly with its surroundings. If it is perched atop a barnacle-covered rock, it can conform to mirror the rock as well as the barnacles. But God's amazing creation goes further. The cuttlefish can perform this feat in a split second, and never even look at itself to examine its disguise. He does it by instinct. God is showing forth His glory through His creation.

If we see a painting, we understand there is a painter. Though we may not see him, we know he exists. If we see a complex space shuttle, we understand that this did not come about by accident. We understand that complexity demands an intelligent designer. The amazing thing is that this Designer has told us in His Word to examine His creation in order to "see" Him. And when we take a look, even at a humble sea creature such as the cuttlefish, we are amazed at the complexity and genius of His creation. In fact, when we look at something as amazing as the cuttlefish, in a way, we see God. And the last part of Romans 1:20 tells us that when we look at His creation and see Him, we are "without excuse" for not believing in a Creator.
Are there billions of years between verses one and two?
Creation Science Evangelism, May 07, 2008

For thousands of years, nearly all Christians believed that the earth was about six thousand years old as revealed in God’s Word. But by the early 1800s the literal interpretation of Genesis fell under fire. Initially popularized by Scottish theologian Thomas Chalmers and later by the Scofield Reference Bible, the gap theory became a convenient method by which theologians compromise Holy Scripture with Darwin’s evolution theory.

The Bible teaches “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth” and continues by saying “the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep” (Genesis 1:1-2). Proponents of the gap theory suggest there is a gap between those two verses that accounts for Satan’s rebellion, dinosaurs, a geological record, and billions of years of evolution.

That “gap,” however, is nothing more than an attempt to harmonize God’s perfect Word with man’s imperfect thoughts. In fact, it is irreconcilable with the rest of Scripture. The words “without form, and void” in Genesis 1:2 come from the Hebrew phrase “tohu waw bohu,” which means “unformed and unfilled.” This indicates the earth was not yet formed or filled.

Further discrepancies between Scripture and the gap theory are seen when looking at the law God gave Moses. As God etched the Ten Commandments in stone, He said, “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is” (Exodus 20:11). God unmistakably says that everything was made in six days. This would include angels, heaven, earth, and mankind—everything.

The gap theory also disagrees with New Testament Scripture. The Bible is clear that “by man came death” (1 Corinthians 15:21-22) and “by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin” (Romans 5:12). These passages undeniably teach that the first sin came by Adam and that there was no death before sin. Therefore, it is incompatible to teach that a civilization existed before Adam, because it would place death before sin—a direct contradiction to Scripture.

Super Senses
Creation Science Evangelism, April 24, 2008

Can you see the notes coming from a piano? Can you feel the texture of a number? Does the aroma of every meal you eat have its own bouquet of color? Imagine how much more exciting life could be by combining your senses.

Maybe tasting the rainbow isn�t so far off. A recently researched human condition has been identified that enables some to do just that. It�s called synesthesia, which is a cross-linking of at least two senses in various patterns. This rare trait gives people very unique talents, amazing memory, and an array of senses all at once. Instead of merely hearing a symphony, this person might actually taste and smell it as well.

Though synesthesia has sometimes been associated with defect, perhaps in our glorified bodies we'll all get full functionality of our senses, without the compromise. The Bible says, �Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him� (1 Corinthians 2:9). Maybe in Heaven our five senses will be expanded; and we�ll be able to taste the colors, smell the music, and see our praises rise up to God. It�ll probably be even better than that. Reflect on God�s promise, and rest in the assurance that He has amazing things in store for His creation!

For other reflections on God and His creation, check out our Letting God Create Your Day devotional resources.


Evolution - the Missing Link to Abortion
Creation Science Evangelism, January 24, 2008

Thirty-five years ago this week, America joined the ranks of nations engaging in the genocide of its own people. In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court launched an all-out assault, this time not on a religious or ethnic group, but on victims with no voice, no defense, and no allies. It marks the day that, under the pretense of privacy, the womb became an unfair battlefield for the unborn.

The beginning of America�s toleration for abortion can be traced back to the mid-1800s. It was in 1860 that German college professor Ernst Haeckel, just finishing Darwin�s Origin of the Species, left his physician practice for the study of embryology. So convinced by what he read, Haeckel became one of the most zealous advocates of Darwinism in the nineteenth century.

Nine years later, with no real evidence for evolution, Haeckel devised sketched charts of human developmental stages. By 1875, Haeckel was convicted of fraud in a trial held by his own university. There he admitted to faking his drawings in an attempt to show similarities between the human embryo and that of animals. But today, many biology textbooks still include these charts, purposefully deceiving thousands of students, with no mention of their fraudulent history.

Despite Haeckel's conviction, his drawings paved the way for the murdering of the unborn. If a human life is nothing more than an animal, it�s no wonder the textbooks refer to the unborn as a mere �blob of tissue.� Haeckel�s sacred cow of evolution is the well-hidden and underlying missing link to abortion.

America often mourns the horror of September 11, 2001 when nearly three thousand lives were tragically taken, yet keeps silent as more than four thousand lives are stolen each day through this evolution-influenced terrorism called abortion. We protest the casualties of war�yet turn our heads away from the 50 million innocent victims of Roe v. Wade. As Christians continue to stand on the sidelines, the Bible is unwavering; God ordained each of us in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5). Christians, it�s time to take a stand �it�s time for a change.

For more ways evolution deceives society and its impact on our world, view Lies in the Textbooks and The Dangers of Evolution from our Creation Seminar Series.


The Shelf Life of Scientific Theories
Creation Science Evangelism, July 10, 2008

Today, many people put their trust in scientists who give us an understanding of nature “as it is.” We accept as absolute truth what science holds to be true. Yes, some effort is made to observe the label "theory" in regards to what much of science tells us, but this is little more than a disclaimer. Gravity is still a theory, but how many people doubt it? This same faith has been applied to many other theories, such as evolution. Scientific speculation and theory have become the foundation of our worldviews, and we seldom ever question the structural integrity of this foundation. After all, if science teaches a particular theory, it is most likely to be true, isn't it? But what if this foundation has a history of disintegrating?

Professor of Philosophy and Scientific History, Dr. Steven L. Goldman of Lehigh University once stated in a lecture that the history of science overwhelmingly demonstrates that theories once considered established are more than likely to become obsolete and discredited over time. He's right. In fact, there are literally hundreds of scientific theories that were rarely even questioned, and yet we now look at them as pseudoscience or merely mistakes of the past. As each century passes, so does the majority of accepted scientific theories held dear in that century. Professor Goldman went on to ask in his lecture, "What is the probability—when we look at 2000 compared to 1900, 1900 compared to 1800, 1800 compared to 1700, 1700 compared to before Descartes and Bacon wrote a word—what is the probability that in 2100, those theories that scientists are telling us today are true will still be around? The probability seems small."

God tells us in Jeremiah 9:23-24, "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom...But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me." Rather than build our worldview on a shifting foundation of scientific theory, we should entrust our lives to Christ and build our lives upon the Rock. Science should reinforce our trust in Christ, but should never become our foundation. As the years pass, theories come and go, and very few will survive the test of time; but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrew 13:8). So next time you hear another scientific assertion—or the next time a scientist makes a statement of fact about something that can only be theorized— take it with a grain of salt. Scientific theories often have an expiration date, but Jesus is forever.


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